TILT March 8, 2013

Well, hey look at me, catching up and such.
I know, I’m crazy behind, but I’ve been working 15+ hour days, so give me a break.

March 8 was pretty great.
I left work at 2 or so, because I had worked almost until midnight the night before and been back out at an event at 8.
I came home and I cooked!
Legitimately made something at my house, not in a microwave, which I haven’t done in quite some time, not having pots I could use.
I have one again. I am exci

Clearly. Anyways, my cooking adventure, Nutella rice crispie treats, turned out delightful.


Jenny, Brent, Roomie and I had a movie night. A cartoon, a raunchy comedy, champagne, the usual.
It was a ton of fun.

PS earlier in the day, I was watching Frasier, and Megan Mullaly was on it and they went to Seattle Repertory Theatre (which I’ve been to) and saw The Man Who Came to Dinner (which I’ve been IN) and it was wonderful times a thousand.


TILT Oct. 19, 2012

Sorry I’m late, busy day yesterday.
I watched a Frank Sinatra movie from the ’60s. It’s based on the prequel book to the Die Hard novel, (Yes, there’s a Die Hard novel) so I watched the movie with the person who first inspired me to watch Die Hard.
The movie followed a cranky detective as he uncovered a web of corruption. Also, the main person killed, and several other people, where some of those homosexuals.
Because the movie was set in the ’60s, the portrayal of gays was alarmingly inaccurate. The movie was a little slow, with only a couple shots fired the whole time, but I’m glad I watched it.

Also, Halloween (my favorite!) is getting close. This photo made me lol.


TILT Feb. 10 and 11, 2012

I messed up!

I forgot to post yesterday, which is unfortunate because it wasn’t even one of my bad days.

I got to see my grandparents who live far away and we ate yummy Chinese food.

I dished with a coworker about her upcoming date and we drank wine and watched Bridesmaids.

It was a pleasant day.

Then, today, Roomie and I went to Tri-Cities. She had a doctor appointment but then we went to Costco and to the Country Mercantile. I got a bunch of movie musicals and three Clint Eastwood movies at the store. One of which is Two Mules for Sister Sara. Which I LOVE.

I also have a movie from Netflix and we got a few more from Redbox. So we’ve got Drive, Moneyball, What’s Your Number and Margin Call.

So, overally, fantastic film day.

I love it.

Photo Thirty-nine

60-Day Photo Project, day 39

A picture of your favorite movie

Ok, so this one is easy – kind of. I don’t choose favorite movies, but I CAN tell you my top 3. Because they are in a three-way tie for all-time favorite. Plus, I think it gives you a better idea of what I enjoy. No limiting me, internets!

A Knight's Tale

The Princess Bride

Die Hard

PS One of these pictures is now the background on my computer. Hint: it’s not the first one. Hint 2: it’s not the second one either.

My favorite movie characters

So, I decided to pick my five all-time favorite movie characters. NOTE: you can argue with me as much as you want, but I am not saying these are the five BEST characters of all time, just my favorites. So calm down.

5. Forrest Gump portrayed by Tom Hanks

Truly one of the most endearing characters of all time. There is an instant connection to Forrest that only grows throughout the film. When I asked my friends for input, I had a couple of people pick Forrest here, but I think Spenser said it best: “How many other people have fought in a war, met multiple presidents, watched Watergate unfold, held a major stock in Apple computers, ran across the US, developed the “Shit Happens” slogan, played college football under Bear Bryant, AND have Sally Fields as a mom?? :)” And it’s true. So much actually happens over the course of the movie, but it still somehow stays believable. And I always love Tom Hanks.

4. Geoffrey Chaucer portrayed by Paul Bettany in A Knight’s Tale

This is quite possibly my favorite movie. And I love Paul Bettany. So there you go. He is quick-witted and funny. And gave me the inspiration for my first monologue performed for an audition ever. So that has to count for something. “It’s a small target Will, but aim for his heart.” Mmm.

3. Penny Pingleton portrayed by Amanda Bynes in Hairspray

Really, this goes into favorite musical characters because I just love the character. Not that Amanda Bynes didn’t do a great job, she did. Penny is the best friend of the film’s heroine, Tracy. Penny has a racist, strict, church-goin’ mother who is crazy. And then Penny falls in love with a handsome black boy named Seaweed. And craziness ensues.
Best quote: “My mother says I’m not allowed to perspire!” I love her so much I even dressed up like her once.

2. Lloyd Dobler portrayed by John Cusack in Say Anything

If I could pick one man to spend the rest of my life with, it would be Lloyd. Nothing really happens in the movie, but it is still one of the best romances out there. Lloyd is sweet, honest and reliable. And the scene pictured above is one of the most iconic in all of movie history. And who could forget him saying “What I really want to do with my life – what I want to do for a living – is I want to be with your daughter. I’m good at it.” There are so many aww-worthy moments in the movie. I LOVE HIM.

1. John McClane portrayed by Bruce Willis in Die Hard

You really didn’t expect anything else, did you? You know how much I love John. So, so, so much. Of course, a strong honorable mention must be given to his nemesis, Hans Gruber, played by Alan Rickman. So epic. Yippie Kay Ey motherf*****! The best part about this character is he has somewhat believability. He is totally badass and he always kills all the bad guys BUT he gets pretty beat up doing it. He is always bloody/sweaty/dirty. And not many action heroes are. I salute you, Officer McClane!


Since, I asked for advice, I have to share what other people said. Two people voted for Han Solo, so it must be said that he’s pretty cool. But Jeff’s description of him as “dreamy” is really the best one. Ron Burgandy and Frodo Baggins also got mentions. As did Phil, of The Hangover. I think most of the people in that movie deserve a nod. Jimmy Neutron, Batman, King Leonides and Fox from Wanted got votes too.

Who else should be on here?